Saturday, April 30, 2011

The 25 Best Michael Scott GIFs

The 25 Best Michael Scott GIFs

The 25 Best Michael Scott...
Michael Scott is set to leave "The Office" this week. I don't want to say goodbye, so I will repeat your GIFs forever.
Submitted by: GifGuide
Kinda Cute
Keywords: The Office Michael Scott Steve Carell GIF animated gifs
Views: 29,144


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Kappa Girl detained for posting sex film on Internet photo

kappa-girl Kappa Girl detained for posting sex film on Internet photo

A woman who made a video of herself performing sex acts and then uploaded it to the Internet has been detained, the public security bureau in Shanghai said on Friday.

The woman, surnamed Huang, was detained for spreading pornography online, it said.

The 12-minute video first appeared on the Internet at the end of October under the title “Kappa girl at Shanghai No 1 Department Store’s east building”, in reference to the sportswear shop in which Huang worked.

It soon became one of the most popular downloads on the mainland, with thousands of people downloading it last month, the bureau said.

Initial reports said the video originated on a blog belonging to a Shanghai resident surnamed Lu. However, police later determined that Lu was Huang’s alter ego.

She set up the blog in a bid to profit from her notoriety by offering advertising space and interviews in exchange for cash, police said.

In the blog, Huang said she would give interviews and provide exclusive information about herself for 30,000 yuan a time, they said.

The would-be porn star is also accused of sending a copy of the video to a former colleague surnamed Wang. Although police have been attempting to remove all traces of the video, it is still available online.

A man from Hubei province is suspected of spreading the video, and police are investigating, the bureau said.

Beijing lawyer Lu Heping said: “Anyone who films, uploads or distributes such videos, is guilty of disseminating pornography.”

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Shark Commits Suicide on Waterslide

There’s nothing quite like taking a cool trip down the water slide at the Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas, plunging into the refreshing pool at the end, and … HOLY CRAP!! THAT’S A SHARK!

But it was all too real when hotel staff saw that one of the sharks from the famous resort aquarium had somehow jumped out of it’s tank and onto a nearby water slide — where it managed to slide down into the pool.�

It all went down before the pool opened Tuesday — so nobody was in the water — but here’s where it gets tragic: A rep for the Atlantis tells TMZ the shark died a short time after swimming in the chlorinated water. Here’s the heartbreaking statement:�

“Yesterday morning at around 9:30AM, prior to the resort’s waterscape opening to guests, a 12+ year old female reef shark jumped over an 18 inch wide and 1 foot high sustaining structure into the resort’s Leap of Faith water slide.�

The Atlantis Aquarists believe the shark was startled by an unusual circumstance that we have no way of defining completely. In the over ten years guests have experienced the Leap of Faith, the reef shark itself, harmless to humans as it is fed regularly by our staff, had shown no previous incidences of leaping out of the water in the marine habitat …

… The habitat itself is part of the resort’s open system which filters water from the Atlantic Ocean and is completely separated from the chlorinated water system on the slides. Once the shark fell onto the slide and into the chlorinated water, it was in significant distress.�

The Marine Aquarium Operations team responded immediately and was able to retrieve the animal at the bottom of the slide and return the animal to the main marine habitat in an attempt to resuscitate her. Despite the team’s best efforts to recover the animal, it died shortly after the occurrence.�

There was no danger to our guests or staff, both of whom interact with these sharks daily in our various interactive programs (we have guests enter the shark habitat to swim and interact with the sharks in bathing attire only).�

In fact, our concern was for the animal itself who defied nature to take this leap. The entire team at Atlantis is truly saddened by the loss of this animal who had resided in the Atlantis marine habitat for over ten years.” Source

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Jimmy Kimmel Mashes Up Mob Wives And The Flintstones

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Yes, Chiddy Is Still Freestyling, But The O Music Awards Show Must Go On

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Eyes on honeymoon after British royal wedding joy (Reuters)

Earl Spencer, brother to the late Princess Diana, speaks with guests at Westminster Abbey before the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton, in central London April 29, 2011. REUTERS/Anthony Devlin/PoolReuters - Britain's Prince William and his new bride reveal their honeymoon destination on Saturday, after millions of people around the world tuned in to watch the couple tie the knot in a dazzling display of royal pageantry.


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Friday, April 29, 2011

POSTED: Hanson Performs on Dancing With The Stars

We never pretended not to be Hanson fans (they are, after all, this month’s VH1 Posted artist) but apparently Dancing with the Stars did: last night’s “Guilty Pleasure” episode included a live performance of “MMMBop.” But we forgive them, because apparently Hanson did, too?they were the episode’s house band, taking on not only their own [...]


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Amazing Top 10 Most Expensive Accidents in History

Throughout history, humans have always been prone to accidents. Some, such as the exotic car crashes seen on this page, can be very expensive. But that’s trivial compared to the truly expensive accidents. An accident is defined as “an undesirable or unfortunate happening that occurs unintentionally and usually results in harm, injury, damage, or loss”. Our aim is to list the top 10 most expensive accidents in the history of the world as measured in dollars.
This includes property damage and expenses incurred related to the accident such as cleanup and industry losses. Many of these accidents involve casualties which obviously cannot be measured in dollar terms. Each life lost is priceless and is not factored into the equation. Deliberate actions such as war or terrorism and natural disasters do not qualify as accidents and therefore are not included in this list.

10. Titanic - $150 Million The sinking of the Titanic is possibly the most famous accident in the world. But it barely makes our list of top 10 most expensive. On April 15, 1912, the Titanic sank on its maiden voyage and was considered to be the most luxurious ocean liner ever built. Over 1,500 people lost their lives when the ship ran into an iceberg and sunk in frigid waters. The ship cost $7 million to build ($150 million in today’s dollars).

Titanic  Amazing Top 10 Most Expensive Accidents in History

9. Tanker Truck vs Bridge - $358 Million On August 26, 2004, a car collided with a tanker truck containing 32,000 liters of fuel on the Wiehltal Bridge in Germany. The tanker crashed through the guardrail and fell 90 feet off the A4 Autobahn resulting in a huge explosion and fire which destroyed the load-bearing ability of the bridge. Temporary repairs cost $40 million and the cost to replace the bridge is estimated at $318 Million.

Tanker-Truck-vs-Bridge  Amazing Top 10 Most Expensive Accidents in History

8. MetroLink Crash - $500 Million On September 12, 2008, in what was one of the worst train crashes in California history, 25 people were killed when a Metrolink commuter train crashed head-on into a Union Pacific freight train in Los Angeles. It is thought that the Metrolink train may have run through a red signal while the conductor was busy text messaging. Wrongful death lawsuits are expected to cause $500 million in losses for Metrolink.

MetroLink-Crash  Amazing Top 10 Most Expensive Accidents in History

7. B-2 Bomber Crash - $1.4 Billion Here we have our first billion dollar accident (and we’re only #7 on the list). This B-2 stealth bomber crashed shortly after taking off from an air base in Guam on February 23, 2008. Investigators blamed distorted data in the flight control computers caused by moisture in the system. This resulted in the aircraft making a sudden nose-up move which made the B-2 stall and crash. This was 1 of only 21 ever built and was the most expensive aviation accident in history. Both pilots were able to eject to safety.

B-2-Bomber-Crash  Amazing Top 10 Most Expensive Accidents in History
B-2-Bomber-Crash2  Amazing Top 10 Most Expensive Accidents in History

6. Exxon Valdez - $2.5 Billion The Exxon Valdez oil spill was not a large one in relation to the world’s biggest oil spills, but it was a costly one due to the remote location of Prince William Sound (accessible only by helicopter and boat). On March 24, 1989, 10.8 million gallons of oil was spilled when the ship’s master, Joseph Hazelwood, left the controls and the ship crashed into a Reef. The cleanup cost Exxon $2.5 billion.

Exxon-Valdez  Amazing Top 10 Most Expensive Accidents in History

5. Piper Alpha Oil Rig - $3.4 Billion The world’s worst off-shore oil disaster. At one time, it was the world’s single largest oil producer, spewing out 317,000 barrels of oil per day. On July 6, 1988, as part of routine maintenance, technicians removed and checked safety valves which were essential in preventing dangerous build-up of liquid gas. There were 100 identical safety valves which were checked. Unfortunately, the technicians made a mistake and forgot to replace one of them. At 10 PM that same night, a technician pressed a start button for the liquid gas pumps and the world’s most expensive oil rig accident was set in motion. Within 2 hours, the 300 foot platform was engulfed in flames. It eventually collapsed, killing 167 workers and resulting in $3.4 Billion in damages.

Piper-Alpha-Oil-Rig  Amazing Top 10 Most Expensive Accidents in History

4. Challenger Explosion - $5.5 Billion The Space Shuttle Challenger was destroyed 73 seconds after takeoff due on January 28, 1986 due to a faulty O-ring. It failed to seal one of the joints, allowing pressurized gas to reach the outside. This in turn caused the external tank to dump its payload of liquid hydrogen causing a massive explosion. The cost of replacing the Space Shuttle was $2 billion in 1986 ($4.5 billion in today’s dollars). The cost of investigation, problem correction, and replacement of lost equipment cost $450 million from 1986-1987 ($1 Billion in today’s dollars).

Challenger-Explosion  Amazing Top 10 Most Expensive Accidents in History

3. Prestige Oil Spill - $12 Billion On November 13, 2002, the Prestige oil tanker was carrying 77,000 tons of heavy fuel oil when one of its twelve tanks burst during a storm off Galicia, Spain. Fearing that the ship would sink, the captain called for help from Spanish rescue workers, expecting them to take the ship into harbour. However, pressure from local authorities forced the captain to steer the ship away from the coast. The captain tried to get help from the French and Portuguese authorities, but they too ordered the ship away from their shores. The storm eventually took its toll on the ship resulting in the tanker splitting in half and releasing 20 million gallons oil into the sea. According to a report by the Pontevedra Economist Board, the total cleanup cost $12 billion.

Prestige-Oil-Spill  Amazing Top 10 Most Expensive Accidents in History

2. Space Shuttle Columbia - $13 Billion The Space Shuttle Columbia was the first space worthy shuttle in NASA’s orbital fleet. It was destroyed during re-entry over Texas on February 1, 2003 after a hole was punctured in one of the wings during launch 16 days earlier. The original cost of the shuttle was $2 Billion in 1978. That comes out to $6.3 Billion in today’s dollars. $500 million was spent on the investigation, making it the costliest aircraft accident investigation in history. The search and recovery of debris cost $300 million. In the end, the total cost of the accident (not including replacement of the shuttle) came out to $13 Billion according to the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

Space-Shuttle-Columbia  Amazing Top 10 Most Expensive Accidents in History

1. Chernobyl - $200 Billion On April 26, 1986, the world witnessed the costliest accident in history. The Chernobyl disaster has been called the biggest socio-economic catastrophe in peacetime history. 50% of the area of Ukraine is in some way contaminated. Over 200,000 people had to be evacuated and resettled while 1.7 million people were directly affected by the disaster. The death toll attributed to Chernobyl, including people who died from cancer years later, is estimated at 125,000. The total costs including cleanup, resettlement, and compensation to victims has been estimated to be roughly $200 Billion. The cost of a new steel shelter for the Chernobyl nuclear plant will cost $2 billion alone. The accident was officially attributed to power plant operators who violated plant procedures and were ignorant of the safety requirements needed.

chernobyl  Amazing Top 10 Most Expensive Accidents in History

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Teens Save Friend Bitten By One of World?s Deadliest Snakes

An Australian teenager has survived two bites from one of the world’s deadliest snakes thanks to the quick thinking of friends who recently completed a first aid course.

It was the second time Ryan Cole, 15, of Mundubbera, about 240 miles northwest of Brisbane, has been bitten by a deadly snake in a year.

Ryan was bitten twice on the foot by a coastal taipan, which has the third most toxic venom of all land snakes, as he jumped into a popular swimming hole in the Burnett River on Sunday, The Courier-Mail reports.

“I’ve been attacked twice and bitten four times ? that’s pretty unlucky,” the recuperating teen said Thursday as he relived the ordeal with his friends.

“But then it is really lucky to have survived. I’m really grateful to my mates that they knew what to do and did it.”

His brother Jakob, 16, and friends Scott Smith, Josh Allen, Lee Carson and Torren Wood heard his call for help and dragged him from the waterhole as he started convulsing and bleeding from the mouth.

Cole was flown to the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital Sundayt night and spent the next three days in intensive care. He returned home on Wednesday and is recovering slowly. Report - Foxnews

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VH1 Announces Summer Premiere Dates For Famous Food, La La?s Full Court Life, Celeb Rehab 5, VH1 Tough Love: Miami, And Many More

Hot off the proverbial presses! We’ve got a whole bunch of new information about the return of some of your favorite series (Celeb Rehab 5, VH1 Tough Love: Miami, Basketball Wives 3, etc.) and a whole slew of new shows that will soon become fan faves (Single Ladies, Famous Food). Read on for all the [...]


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Beckhams lead celebrity presence at royal wedding (AFP)

Footballer Victoria arrive at Westminster Abbey for the wedding of Britain?s Prince William and Kate Middleton in London on April 29.The Beckhams were among the first celebrities to arrive for the much anticipated event.(AFP/BEN STANSALL)AFP - David and Victoria Beckham were among a host of celebrities and VIPs among the 1,900 guests for Prince William and Kate Middleton's wedding at Westminster Abbey on Friday.


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Prince William marries Kate in glittering ceremony (Reuters)

Reuters - Before a flawless exchange of vows, a veiled Middleton wearing a laced dress with a long train, the first "commoner" to marry a prince in close proximity to the throne in more than 350 years, walked slowly through the 1,900-strong congregation.


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Bridesmaids Red Band Trailer

Bridesmaids Red Band Trailer

Bridesmaids Red Band Trailer 2:13
In Theaters May 13th
Submitted by: Bridesmaids
Kinda Cute
Keywords: Paul Feig Rose Byrne Kristen Wiig Jon Hamm Melissa McCarthy Maya Rudolph Bridesmaids Weddings movie comedy red band
Views: 90,121


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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Obama Appoints Christina Romer to Chair Council of Economic

Christina Romer, of UC Berkeley, has been appointed to Chair President Elect Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers. Romer wrote, if not the book, at least the chapter for Encyclopedia Britannica, The Great Depression. News of her appointment should make liberals and women who opposed the appointment of Lawrence Summers, who many predicted (including today’s Wall Street Journal) would get this job, somewhat happy, though it looks like Summers will be named White House economic director.

Professor Romer and her husband David were both advisers to the Obama campaign and they hold two seats on the committee which decides when the U.S is officially in a recession.The Romers are macroeconomists, who study the big picture in economics. They’ve also studied the way tax cuts affect the economy and government spending. A UC Berkeley article reported,
What they found about both issues surprised them. Tax cuts provide powerful short-run stimulus to the economy, but there is little evidence that tax cuts restrain government spending.

“It turns out,” Christina explains, “that tax cuts have led, eventually, to tax increases. Basically, something has to give. What we thought gave when you cut taxes was spending, but we seem to find that in postwar U.S. history what actually gives is the tax cut itself. A substantial fraction of a tax cut is typically undone in the subsequent five years.”

The appointment may telegraph Obama’s intentions regarding Fed Reserve Chair Ben Bernanke. Romers wrote a paper, Choosing the Federal Reserve Chair: Lessons from History. Like Bernanke, she has a history of a connection to Princeton University, where she was an assistant professor from 1985-1988.

Romer graduated from College of William and Mary in 1981 and from M.I.T., with a Ph.D., in 1985. In 1994, she co-authored, with her husband, a paper, “What Ends Recessions?”

It’s clear, Obama is appointing someone smart, with strong academic credentials. Unlike Treasury Secretary appointee Geither, who is overflowing with experience, Romer is an academic who’s specialized in “getting” the big picture.

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Co-star confirms Spider-Man 4 to shoot next year

spiderman.100 Co-star confirms Spider-Man 4 to shoot next year

After all the heat The Dark Knight and Iron Man generated last summer, the Spider-Man brand seems not only to have surrendered its credentials as our biggest comic-to-film franchise but also its place in the public imagination. Iron Man is positioned to take the escapist crown, Batman has the artistic reigns, so where does that leave Spider-Man, which had previously held a viable claim to both?
Of course, creative questions won?t deter Sony, which confirmed last fall that it had director Sam Raimi and star Tobey Maguire on board to make at least two more Spider-Man movies. Although the third film was widely considered a disappointment, it managed the highest international gross of the series?north of $890 million?and for them, that’s the bottom line.

That said, though summer 2011 seemed to be the target for the next movie, there had been little news about actual development. Now series co-star J.K. Simmons, who plays the hyperbolic editor of The Daily Bugle, may have settled some of the doubt. He told MTV at Sundance that he will return and that Raimi wants to shoot the fourth movie next year. There are also rumors the fifth film will shoot concurrently with the fourth, which Simmons didn?t address.

Other questions also remain. Marvel has already staked out the first weekend in May 2011 for The First Avenger: Captain America, which by tradition would belong to Spider-Man. (Marvel also has The Avengers set for July 15, 2011.) Ultimately, with production apparently still more than a year away, it could be some time before this is really cleared up.

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Elizabeth Banks Signs On To 'The Hunger Games'

Actress will play rose-haired escort Effie Trinket in the film adaptation.
By Kara Warner

Elizabeth Banks
Photo: Bryan Bedder/ Getty Images

Last week's intriguing "Hunger Games" casting rumors are true! Elizabeth Banks has officially been cast in Lionsgate's highly anticipated adaptation of Suzanne Collins' best-selling dystopian novel. Banks will play Effie Trinket, the intense, chirpy, pink-haired escort to District 12's Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark. Effie accompanies and helps prepare the teenagers on their fight-to-the-death journey.

The 37-year-old Banks last appeared onscreen opposite Russell Crowe in the thriller "The Next Three Days," and has a recurring role on NBC's "30 Rock."

She'll next be seen alongside Paul Rudd in the comedy "Our Idiot Brother." Banks' casting announcement leaves only a few more holes to fill in the ever-growing cast, with fans eager to learn who'll play the roles of Cinna, the stylist assigned to the District 12 tributes, and Haymich, the cranky, alcoholic, one-time Hunger Games champion from 12. Although reports surfaced late last week that John C. Reilly was in talks to play Haymich, we've heard that's just a rumor.

Banks joins previously announced co-stars Jennifer Lawrence (Katniss), Josh Hutcherson (Peeta), Liam Hemsworth (Gale Hawthorne), along with Amandla Stenberg and Dayo Okeniyi as District 11 tributes, Leven Rambin and Jack Quaid as District 1 contenders, and Ian Nelson and Kalia Prescott for District 3.

Directed by Gary Ross and scripted by Billy Ray, "The Hunger Games," the first movie in a possible trilogy based on Collins' books, is expected to shift into production later this year. The film is slated to be released on March 23, 2012.

What do you think of Elizabeth Banks being cast as Effie? Sound off in the comments below!

Check out everything we've got on "The Hunger Games."

For young Hollywood news, fashion and "Twilight" updates around the clock, visit

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Natalie Portman Holds Deli Hostage With Her Pickles And Ketchup

Natalie Portman has been telling the press she gets cravings for pickles and ketchup for months, but apparently few have heeded her warning. According to the National Enquirer, diners were “openly aghast” as Portman “squirted a huge glob of ketchup on her dills, then chomped and chewed with pickle juice drizzling down her chin” at [...]


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Continental Plane Crash in New York Kills 49 (Photo & Video)

100-winterbackweather_fire.standalone.prod_affiliate.50 Continental Plane Crash in New York Kills 49 (Photo & Video)

Forty-nine people died when a Continental Express airplane crashed into a house in Clarence Center shortly after 10 p.m. Thursday, setting off a huge fire that could be seen miles away.

The dead included 44 passengers, four crew members and a person on the ground.

A nurse at Erie County Medical Center said the hospital’s second shift had been told to stay late to treat survivors but was sent home before midnight.

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Dominic Cooper Talks Playing Saddam's Son In 'Devil's Double'

Actor opens up to MTV News about dual roles as murderous Uday Hussein and his hapless body double, in our Summer Movie Preview.
By Josh Wigler

Dominic Cooper in "Devil's Double"
Photo: Lions Gate

The reign of Saddam Hussein is mostly in the collective rearview mirror, but for Dominic Cooper it's still very much in the present.

Cooper stars in this summer's "The Devil's Double," the Lee Tamahori-directed historical gangster flick that tells the story of Saddam's murderous son Uday and his reluctant body double, Latif Yahia. Appropriately enough, Cooper's pulls double-duty as both Uday and Latif, delivering a two-pronged performance that swings between psychotic mania and indescribable tragedy. And as moviegoers will no doubt observe in the just-released trailer, getting into those two divergent headspaces could not have been an easy task.

With "The Devil's Double" arriving in theaters on July 29, now's the perfect time to get the inside track on what's sure to be one of the can't-miss movie affairs of the summer. To that end, MTV News spoke with Cooper about playing Uday and Latif as part of our continuing Summer Movie Preview.

MTV: What drew you to "The Devil's Double"? Was it the opportunity to tap into these two different roles? The chance to explore this fairly recent period of history?

Dominic Cooper: Yeah, you know, it is such an interesting period of time. It seems so apparent to us, so much to do with our recent history, really, that area with regards to the war and that regime. But I didn't know enough. To sort of get inside of it and to see what this was all about and the world in which [the Husseins] existed, for me, was really intriguing. I wanted to know more.

And the opportunity to work with [director Lee Tamahori] — once I met him, I was blown away by his energy and his vision of what the piece should be. It wasn't meant to be an accurate historical reference to those people and that period of time; it was very clouded, what the actual truth is. But he saw this incredible dynamic between an evil man and a poor guy who was thrown into a situation he couldn't get out of. That dynamic and that conflict, he found so riveting, as did I.

MTV: Just judging by the trailer, this doesn't seem like an easy project to take on.

Cooper: It wasn't. It was chaos filming it; there wasn't much time to do it, and with the technology of having to double me up and the speed with which that had to be done and the change of character I had to do in a matter of moments ... it wasn't easy.

But I remember thinking, 'This is very special for me. No matter what people think of it and no matter who sees it and no matter how it turns out, these parts come along rarely.' I just absorbed every moment of it really and enjoyed playing out being a kid — because Uday was basically a child gone wrong, but one who had access to everything with no one stopping him. I was running around with golden guns and Ferraris ... it was an odd experience! Playing out this gangster role, knowing that this man did ruin and destroy people's lives and families without any remorse or forward thinking. He was just all-out evil, Uday was. It was very complicated, playing a character that you have no empathy for.

MTV: So were you ever able to get yourself to that point, a place where you could empathize with a man like Uday?

Cooper: No, not really. [Laughs.] The wonderful thing was having Latif to play as a sympathetic character. After being this monster for days in and days out, it was nice to play something genuine and heartfelt and sort of emotionally raw rather than this savage person. I suppose in terms of strength and understanding, on some level, I had to comprehend what it must have been like for [Uday] as a child, growing up in that regime and having Saddam as a father, not being acknowledged by his father. I don't think he trusted him to take his position, to run a country, with military decisions. All of those things, if you think about them, it's why he killed his father's best friends. He was desperate for attention. He was never given enough. That was a way in for me, to try and comprehend the monstrosities that he took part in.

MTV: From a technical standpoint, how did you do this? What was the process of playing these two characters?

Cooper: Technically, some of the scenes where both of us were in the shot, we'd have a motion-controlled camera. I'd film a scene dressed as and behaving as Uday, and it would replicate the move exactly so you could double the screen up and put it over the top. I would have to guess or work out where I was standing for the other character, which was sometimes very difficult, because Uday takes up a lot of space; he's very manic, he moves around a lot, and we'd have to try and pinpoint where the eye-lines would be. It's quite complicated, really. I was basically acting to nothing, remembering the performance I was doing as that person. It wasn't easy, but again, it was so creative and in the moment because on-the-spot decisions were being made. I think a lot of the time, instead of too much thinking, you kind of go with your instincts and our wonderful cameraman's instincts, and I think it turned out better for it.

MTV: "Devil's Double" hits theaters in July, right in the midst of a very crowded summer-movie season filled with superheroes, robots and what have you. For you, what makes "Devil's Double" stand out in a sea of blockbusters?

Cooper: Well, I think it's the fact that this is not a blockbuster, in a way. [Laughs.] They're visually stunning, those films, but ultimately it depends on whether you want complete escapism — to believe that there are green monsters coming down from Mars and superheroes are flying around the sky, which is wonderful and exciting — or whether you want some sort of reality-based reference to a man who actually existed.

I think Latif's story is exhilarating. How could anyone have ever lived through that? It's so far from where we are, seeing how Baghdad functioned, this lavish and overwhelming lifestyle that these people led. There's a true horror of what went on within it. But at the same time, Lee's made it action-packed and fast moving and sexy in a way. It has all of those elements. It's a gangster film rather than a historical documentation. You're just amazed that anybody ever went through this.

Check out everything we've got on "The Devil's Double."

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Rob Pattinson: The Hardest Working Man In Showbiz

Okay, cuddling with Christoph Waltz looks like fun, but it’s all work for Robert Pattinson (photos). The Water for Elephants actor is currently in Germany promoting his new movie (read our review), where it premieres tonight. He and Christoph palled around at the photo-call today, and Rob was spotted dining with his manager and agent [...]


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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

POSTED: Hanson Performs on Dancing With The Stars

We never pretended not to be Hanson fans (they are, after all, this month’s VH1 Posted artist) but apparently Dancing with the Stars did: last night’s “Guilty Pleasure” episode included a live performance of “MMMBop.” But we forgive them, because apparently Hanson did, too?they were the episode’s house band, taking on not only their own [...]


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Cheryl Cole (Who?) Joins The X Factor

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Miley Cyrus Will Make Surprise Appearance On Idol Tonight

A few weeks ago on America Idol, this season’s mentor, Jimmy Iovine called contestant Lauren Alaina “a much stronger singer” than Miley Cyrus as Alaina rehearsed Miley’s song “The Climb.” Iovine backtracked the next week, telling us that he was only saying that to boost Alaina’s self-esteem before showtime. (Not that it wasn’t true, she’s [...]


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Joy Behar Identifies With The Mob Wives

Well, friends, the time is drawing near. After a seemingly interminable wait —Sunday seems like it was forever ago!— the premiere of the second episode of Mob Wives is now just 50-some hours away. And if that still seems like a lot, well, consider that you’ll probably be sleeping for 16 or so of those [...]


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Tom Felton Picks Draco's 'Defining Moment' In 'Deathly Hallows'

'We see a tough moment for him when he doesn't know where his loyalties lie,' the 'Harry Potter' star tells MTV News.
By Eric Ditzian

Tom Felton
Photo: Jon Furniss/ WireImage

As Tom Felton sees it, he's getting a little lazy these days. The 23-year-old "Harry Potter" star only has two mega-budget summer flicks coming down the line this season. In a recent MTV News interview, he laughed, "I should have worked it harder!"

Listen, Tom, there's a reason that in January we named you one of our "11 for '11," the young Hollywood players we were expecting big things from this year. And you haven't disappointed.

First up comes "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2," the 3-D conclusion to the boy-wizard franchise hitting theaters July 15. Then on August 5, "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" storms into the multiplex. It's going to be a very busy summer for Felton, so we just had to talk with him as part of our Summer Movie Preview. On Thursday, we'll be bringing you the actor's wide-ranging comments on "Apes." Now, with Felton as our guide, we dive into the world of "Harry Potter."

MTV News: With the end of "Potter" and another potential franchise in "Apes," does this summer feel like a particularly significant period in your career?

Felton: Very much so, which is why I'm looking to moving out to L.A. probably in the latter half of the year, mainly for work reasons. It's a great way for me to be seen in a different light, after the epic finale of "Potter."

MTV News: So you're moving to L.A.?

Felton: Yeah, me, my girlfriend and my dog. I just need to sort out everything with my dog. If she can come, then we're all good.

MTV News: This is the final one — the final impression of Draco Malfoy. In your mind, what's going to be his defining moment in "Part 2"?

Felton: Well, he seems so conflicted and he doesn't know what to do. When it comes to the final battle, he's still a bit confused about which way he should go. It's only in the last stages of the battle that he's really called upon from the dark side when he's standing on the good side, and we see a tough moment for him when he doesn't know where his loyalties lie. That's definitely going to be the defining moment for Draco. Hopefully, I nailed it. It's nice when I get sprung upon by the mega "Harry Potter" fans and they say, "We understand Draco's pain." It's like, "Thank you! That's a compliment! That's a sign I must have done good."

MTV News: I know you haven't seen the full thing, but they've been screening it for audiences and the producers told us it's brought people to tears.

Felton: I spoke to [producer] David [Heyman] the other day, and he said it got the highest rating of feedback of any "Potter" ever. It kind of goes without saying that it's one of the most highly anticipated films of, well, a really long time. Everyone making it knows that it. It's going to be exciting. I'm endlessly excited.

MTV News: Have you seen bits and pieces?

Felton: I saw bits and pieces when I did the ADR voice-looping. It looked amazing. I was forgetting to do my lines because I was just watching it going, "Wow, this is incredible!" And that was only half-finished with the special effects.

MTV News: Do you see any of the flash-forward epilogue?

Felton: I didn't! That was one of the sections they were most uncertain about and which route they were going. They were talking about it being too long or not long enough. I'm not entirely sure what it's going to be. I will say we filmed it, but how it's there in the final cut, I don't know.

MTV News: Did you take a prop at the end of the shoot?

Felton: Unfortunately, they're notoriously tight with those things. People were expecting there to be 100 broomsticks, but there weren't that many. There were, like, four. Naturally they kept them under lock and key. To be fair, they'd probably be better off in a museum than in my attic or my downstairs toilet.

It's Summer Movie Preview Week, and MTV News will be bringing you exclusive interviews, clips and photos for the most anticipated films of the coming months. Get ready to gorge on inside looks at "Captain America," "The Hangover Part II," "X-Men: First Class," "Cowboys & Aliens" and more.

Check out everything we've got on "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2."

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Boys Noize Is 'Really Excited' About Spank Rock's New Music

'He's really a true artist,' DJ/producer tells MTV News of rapper.
By Akshay Bhansali

Boyz Noize
Photo: Getty

After a massive showing at Coachella this month, German electro house and techno producer Boys Noize rocked New York's Webster Hall this past weekend before settling into a more private role for the remainder of his week in the city: Alexander Ridha is producing MC Spank Rock's next album.

For the unaware, Boys Noize is a staple of the global dance-music touring circuit, a sophisticated, analog-happy producer who founded Boysnoize Records back in 2005. Lately, his thumping brand of sledgehammer productions have garnered him industry accolades, winning dance/electronica Independent Music Awards. And even has named him Best Electronic Artist three years in a row.

Ridha's project with Spank Rock isn't Boys Noize's first foray into album production. In fact, last year he co-wrote and produced Chilly Gonzales' album Ivory Tower. After a remix of Daft Punk's operatic "End of the Line" on the recently released Tron: Legacy R3CONF1GUR3D album, Ridha is pumped for his upcoming project with Spank Rock.

"We are both really excited about the songs," Ridha told MTV News. "It's all over the place, musically. We're doing some extra recordings with some live bands. And then there's this other song we did with Santigold, so she's gonna come in."

"There's definitely going to be those club bangers Spank Rock is known for, like the Baltimore influence. There's two or three of them. But really, I think in the last two or three years, he's really discovered his voice more. And we've actually done some, like, '60s-influenced, almost 'count rock.' We have this other song where he sounds just like Prince.

"It's so exciting to work with him," Ridha continued. "He's the bomb. He's really a true artist and the best rapper, live, as well. Like once you see him live, he'll blow you away."

Boys Noize and Spank Rock are about 95 percent done with the project and plan to drop their first single in a month. As for future plans with Santigold, Ridha told MTV News he had an extra day booked with the singer and that they may come up with material for her album as well.

Additionally, Boys Noize has plans to collaborate with Scissor Sisters as well, following up his remix of "Invisible Light" and the recently released Scissor Sisters vs. Boys Noize mixtape.

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Cameron Diaz Says Her 'Bad Teacher' Character 'Just Doesn't Care'

'She doesn't want to be a good teacher,' actress tells MTV News.
By Kara Warner, with reporting by Josh Horowitz

Cameron Diaz in "Bad Teacher"
Photo: Sony

For those who've been keeping tabs on Cameron Diaz's very R-rated upcoming comedy "Bad Teacher" — particularly the film's naughty red-band trailer — this is not the sweet and wholesome Diaz we've come to know and love via "There's Something About Mary" and "Charlie's Angels."

In "Bad Teacher," Diaz plays disgruntled educator Elizabeth, who, when not smoking "medicinal" marijuana in the parking lot, passing off the advances of the school's gym teacher (Jason Segel) and grading papers ("Are you f***ing kidding me?" she writes on one student's exam), keeps herself busy by seducing the new substitute teacher Scott (Justin Timberlake).

When MTV News caught up with Diaz recently, we asked her to talk about her character's "problems," and it turns out that the film's title is perfectly appropriate in this case.

"She's not a good teacher," Diaz said. "She is the opposite of good. She is a bad teacher. She is bad at teaching. ... She just really doesn't care. She doesn't want to be a good teacher, and so therefore, being a bad teacher really doesn't mean anything to her either."

Diaz said her character's professional ineptitude stems from a place of total misery.

"She's miserable. She's not happy with her world, and she doesn't pretend that she is," Diaz explained. "Her pain is real. She's living a very painful existence, so there's no humor to her in this."

With regard to the research the actress put into the role, Diaz revealed she took a few things from a bad teacher she once had.

"I had a really, really bad teacher. I'm not naming names. That teacher knows who that teacher is, and that's about it," she said. "I think that this person actually cared about being a good teacher, but just happened to be terrible," she added with a laugh. "We've all had those teachers. Teaching is not everybody's calling."

It's Summer Movie Preview Week, and MTV News will be bringing you exclusive interviews, clips and photos for the most anticipated films of the coming months. Get ready to gorge on inside looks at "Captain America," "The Hangover Part II," "X-Men: First Class," "Cowboys & Aliens" and more.

Check out everything we've got on "Bad Teacher."

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Does 'Water For Elephants' Prove Robert Pattinson's Box-Office Draw?

Experts discuss what film's $17.5 million debut means for the 'Twilight' star.
By Eric Ditzian

Robert Pattinson
Photo: Steve Granitz/ WireImage

After the "Twilight" franchise made him a household name (at least among families' more junior members), Robert Pattinson's first cinematic outing outside the vampire franchise didn't go so well. "Remember Me" received largely negative reviews last year and stumbled at the box office, ultimately grossing less than $20 million domestically.

"Water for Elephants," by contrast, largely performed up to expectations this week, reeling in $17.5 million. The sweeping romantic drama was a big test for Pattinson — a major studio flick aimed not at his teen base, but an adult audience. Would this be the project that launched the 24-year-old Brit from Twi-hunk to broadly accepted Hollywood leading man? Perhaps not yet, owing to the respectable but not astounding debut, though industry insiders are calling "Water for Elephants" a much-needed step toward that goal.

"Pattinson has yet to prove he is an evergreen box-office draw, outside of vamping it up in the 'Twilight' series," said Jeff Bock, box-office analyst for Exhibitor Relations. " 'WFE' was the right choice as it wasn't too much of a stretch and is in the general wheelhouse of his core fanbase: women. A lot of times, up-and-coming actors turn 180 degrees and play a drug dealer or pathological killer just to shed their public persona, and oftentimes that backfires, as they turn their back on their true fans."

"WFE" certainly succeeded at targeting older female moviegoers. According to Fox, the film's audience was 70 percent female and 70 percent over the age of 25. That age demographic gives us a good clue why "WFE" didn't cross the $20 million mark. Channing Tatum's "Dear John," for example, targeted a teen audience and debuted with $30.5 million domestically on its way to an $80 million total. The takeaway is not that Tatum is a bigger box-office draw than Pattinson, but that teens come out early for films that interest them. As Phil Contrino, editor of explained, "The key thing to understand is that this type of film has a large appeal among moviegoers aged 35 and up, and that group doesn't feel the need to rush out opening weekend. It will hold up quite well in the weeks to come."

But the question remains whether Pattinson will be able to capitalize on his "Twilight" celebrity and become one of those ever-more-rare actors who can drive ticket sales. Some experts aren't convinced he ever will. "There is no reason to believe that Robert Pattinson or anyone from the 'Twilight' franchise can open a movie," said Movie City News' David Poland. "Some of those actors are very talented. Some not. But Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, etc., are the natural template. But what of Harrison Ford? I don't see any of that swashbuckler in the gentle actor in Pattinson."

Perhaps, though action blockbusters like "Indiana Jones" aren't the projects that Pattinson will be pursuing in the future. Many insiders suggest his best bet is to follow the path of other young heartthrobs before him.

"Take a page from Tom Cruise's book and only work with great directors," Contrino suggested. "After skyrocketing to fame, Cruise wisely worked with the likes of Oliver Stone, Martin Scorsese and Barry Levinson."

At least with his next project, Pattinson is making those kinds of decisions, signing up for David Cronenberg's adaptation of "Cosmopolis." Where he goes from there, however — and whether he's able to bridge the divide between teen idol and Hollywood icon — is anybody's guess.

"If Pattinson's films can consistently make money at the box office, major studios will continue to take a chance on him," Bock said. "In the near future, expect him to be attached to high-profile directors in smaller, meaty roles. That way he can diversify and not lose the core audience that follows his every move. And, if that doesn't work out, there are about a zillion Harlequin novels ripe for adaptation that he and Fabio can star in."

Check out everything we've got on "Water for Elephants."

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