Thursday, February 17, 2011

Royce Reed?s Recaps - Basketball Wives Season 2, Episode 8

We are so excited to have Royce Reed blogging here at throughout the upcoming season of Basketball Wives. From her insider’s perspective, Royce plans to recap her life both onscreen and off. Below, Royce takes on the eight episode of Basketball Wives, Season 2, which was all about people giving her a hard time for being sick…

F***in’ for Handbags!
OK, let me start out by saying I used to LOVE history class. I was able to travel around the world to several different countries in my life with people I did and also didn’t consider to be my friends. However the difference, I realize, was we were all there to broaden our minds and learn about different cultures. It didn’t matter if we got along, we were just happy to be there. I’ve been to five different continents and several places within them, so I always ended up enjoying myself and eventually even squashing the immature beef I may have had with anyone.
My point of going on this trip to Spain on the show was 1) I was invited, 2) I didn’t have an issue with Shaunie, who invited me, and 3) IT WAS SPAIN! Let’s be real, sick or not, if you were into history, culture and traveling, you would’ve taken your ass there too.

Moving on, when I first got in the car I felt horrible but I didn’t want to be a Debbie Downer so I tried to hide my sickness. I guess it didn’t work out too well because I tend to wear my feelings on my sleeve and it quickly came out that I wasn’t “bubbly” enough. I guess I’m the only one not allowed to be sick. Had it been one of the threesome, I’m willing to bet they would’ve been brought soup, flowers, teddy bears, get-well-soon cards, etc. But again, these chicks were not my friends therefore I honestly didn’t expect them to care. What I did expect was respect and understanding. Silly me for not realizing earlier that with age does NOT come maturity.
Was I wrong for drinking and trying to self-medicate? Yes. I just wanted to feel better though to avoid drama. I took a DayQuil, ibuprofen and an aspirin. I didn’t take any prescription medicines or overdose on anything. I took one shot [of liquor] during that dinner and the rest I threw over my shoulder…yes, literally. When I finally couldn’t take my body aches and fever, production called a doctor up to my room. I was diagnosed with a severe case of strep throat and was advised to stay in for a few days. I didn’t listen because I wanted to enjoy the culture even if I didn’t enjoy the cast. Throughout this trip they attempted to humiliate, belittle, degrade, and just outright disrespect me and, at times, Tami. I appreciate Tami eventually understanding and having my back but it was pretty much a lose/lose situation. They would’ve found something wrong with anything I did or said merely for the fact it was once again my turn to be “picked on”. If that’s their form of entertainment, let me just say I am 100 percent happy they are no longer in HS. They seem to be like the bullies you hear about on the news. If you or anyone you know is being bullied please contact this hotline:
The Pacer National Bullying Prevention Center
952-838-9000 (8:00AM- 5:00PM CST, M-F)
or call: 1-800-273-TALK
In regard to the fashion shows, much of what I was speaking about that I didn’t like, they didn’t show. We saw four shows during Fashion Week and although you may not like the way I dress, I still know the difference. Nothing I wear is “cheap” — it just may not be your style or cost $3,000. $3,000, to me, is a vacation with cocktails on a beach. I enjoyed both Ion Fiz’s and Juana Mart�n’s fashion shows and had I not been sick, I would’ve been the sample size she was looking for. That is why she was “looking for Royce.” I was not the only one giving my opinion on the outfits that walked down the runway. As I said before, opinions are like assh***s, everyone has one.
Lastly, I have never and will never condone one-night stands or infidelity. I believe Jen is a follower of Evelyn, and like Tami said, she wouldn’t be s*** without Evelyn. That’s my assh*** opinion, love it or hate it. When Jen is by herself, she is very likable in my opinion. At this point of filming, I felt Jenn was being pulled against her will rather than following her own heart. Some people will do anything to fit in or to stay out of Evil-lyn’s line of fire. I couldn’t care less. I can handle myself and I don’t need the attention from them. Regardless if you want my opinion or not, if it concerns me or if you bring me into it, I’m giving it. Trying to push Jen up on a man simply because he has money is crazy to me. Saying because this man gave us watches he can now “take the p****” is crazy to me. I will never be the chick that thinks it’s OK to “f*** for Handbags” (classic line, Tami!). Maybe I moved to the Twilight Zone and didn’t know it, but I am mature and intelligent enough to know that what happens ANYWHERE, doesn’t STAY THERE, especially if your vajayjay catches a case of the permanent visitor. That is all.
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