Friday, October 7, 2011

Steve Jobs Was 'Tenacious To The Extreme,' Bono Says

'I already miss him,' U2 frontman writes in a statement after Apple co-founder's death.
By Kelley L. Carter

Steve Jobs With Bono and The Edge
Photo: Getty Images

The man who changed the way we listen to music is being mourned by one of the music industry's leading men.

U2 frontman Bono released a statement Thursday (October 6) eulogizing Apple co-founder Steve Jobs as a man who was only interested in doing "truly great things."

"He was bored by an easy ride or easy profit. In a world littered with dull objects, he brought the beauty of clean lines and clear thought," Bono wrote of Jobs.

Bono, who is known almost as much for his philanthropy as he is his music, wrote about how Jobs' innovation helped support efforts that are close to his heart.

Remember Steve Jobs' many innovations by flipping through this photo gallery.

"This rhyme of intellect and intuition could be applied to a wide range of subjects from the US education system, to sculpture, to the fight against HIV/AIDS where his support of (RED) literally transformed the lives of two million people in Africa," he continued. "He changed music. He changed film. He changed the personal computer and turned telephony on its head while he was at it. He was tenacious in the extreme, his toughness never more evident than these past few years in his fight for his life as well as his companies."

Back in 2004, Apple partnered with U2 to launch a special-edition iPod, which held up to 5,000 songs and featured custom engraving of bandmember signatures. At the time, Jobs — clearly a U2 fan — said in a statement: "U2 is one of the greatest bands in the world and we are floored to be working with them."

Steve Jobs almost singlehandedly brought the music industry into the future — here's how.

Bono also talked in the statement about his personal relationship with Jobs. "Steve told me as proud as he was of Apple and Pixar, his real pride was his family. He was a thoughtful and tender father, and loved nothing more than hanging out in the house with his belle Laurene and the kids," he said. "I already miss him ... one of a very small group of anarchic Americans who through technology literally invented the 21st century. We will all miss the hardware software Elvis."

Steve Jobs changed the world, but how did he change you? Tell us on Facebook.

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