Saturday, December 25, 2010

John Mayer Still Has A Way With The Ladies* (*Sarcasm)

Another day, another story about how John Mayer creeped a girl out with his inappropriate sex-talk. According to Page Six, Mayer was recently at a bar on New York’s Upper East Side when he and a young woman struck up a conversation. After chatting for a few minutes, he allegedly offered the woman some unsolicited advice as to how to keep a man happy. The source explained “He said that she was going to make someone very happy one day, as long as she remembered to talk dirty while having sex.” At least he didn’t offer to tuck her in or make references to his racist d—, but still, what gives, John Mayer? Are you really that 12-years-old that you need to tell a stranger this kind of stuff?
We just hope Mayer’s skeeze didn’t rub off too much on Taylor Swift’s sweet, impressionable little self. We know we’ve been critical of the fact that Taylor’s dating Jake Gyllenhaal who’s ten years older than she is, but that’s because we totally forgot she had been involved with Mayer, who is 12 years older and way more objectionable.
[Photo: Getty Images]


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