Sunday, December 19, 2010

My Big Friggin? Wedding?s Sandra: Joey?s No Animal

A reality star blaming his or her portrayal on editing is like a reality star saying, “I’m not here to make friends” (I wish I could make supercuts out of text!) — it’s part of what defines the reality-show experience. And so, it’s not a huge surprise that My Big Friggin’ Wedding’s Sandra has taken to her blog to attempt to clear up what happened at her debacle of a joint bachelor/bachelorette party with her fiance, Joey, which we saw go down on this week’s show. She writes, “And yes, I literally beat myself up over this, which is what I predicted and told the producers when it happened. While the show portrays one thing, reality, actual life, will show you another, which is peaceful, and nothing like what have you seen.”
Among her claims: conversations were edited to look more contentious than they were, and a particularly tenacious cameraman wouldn’t stop doing his job when a fight broke out (imagine!). She also devotes several paragraphs to defending Joey against the naysayers:
“I really can?t stand the way my HUSBAND (yup SURPRISE!) has been portrayed on this show. Literally makes me sick. My love of my life, my EVERYTHING, is portrayed as an animal. Well let me tell you something, he is far from it. Joey has been my life line. That whole soul mate thing is true. Whatever it takes, he makes sure it better than 100% for me. Did you know he literally GAVE me our wedding? Yup, he worked his ASS off to make sure his girl had the wedding of her dreams.”
The whole thing is worth reading — their dynamic has yet to cease fascinating. [Episode 7- a special blog from Sandra]


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