Sunday, February 13, 2011

Ask The Basketball Wives Anything, And Have Your Question Aired On The Season 2 Reunion!

A Basketball Wives Season 2 reunion is scheduled to shoot next week, and the show’s producers want your input. Even more than during the first season, the Internet has been abuzz about the show, and now you have your chance to have your voice heard by the ladies…and the rest of the viewing audience. A segment of the reunion will focus on what’s asked in the comments section of this post. So fire away, below with whatever burning questions you have for Shaunie, Jennifer, Evelyn, Royce, Tami, Shaunie and the rest of the girls. Keep things respectful, though, otherwise it’s likely that your question will be ignored. Duh!
Make sure you leave the name you’d like to be referred to as on air in the “Name” field of the comments section, as well as your location (your city would be ideal)!
Disclaimer: By posting a comment here or anywhere throughout this site, you hereby unconditionally agree that VH1, its related entities, affiliates and assigns in its sole discretion and without any compensation or further obligation to you, may use your name, user name and/or any biographical information, in whole or in part, as well as the content of your posting, in whole or in part, worldwide, in perpetuity in any and all media, now known or hereafter devised, and alone or together with other information and/or content of any kind.
To find out how you can attend the Basketball Wives Season 2 Reunion, check out our invite post.


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