Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Erica Rose Versus Marcy: It?s On!

It may seem when reality TV feuds stretch on for months (and years) after the shows were shot, but in some cases, it makes about as much sense as any other reality TV-related behavior: since interviews are shot in a solo context away from the group, the smack talk that goes down in them isn’t apparent until the show has actually aired. Such is the case of Erica Rose and Marcy — on this week’s episode of You’re Cut Off!, Marcy mocked guest star Erica’s “cheap-ass” dress and “fugly” extensions. In her response video, Erica hits back with, “My dress wasn?t cheap, it was Ralph Lauren. It cost $3,000.? KA-POW! She also suggests that Marcy start a food journal to aid her personal training. KER-PLOP!


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