Friday, February 11, 2011

Jennifer To Divorce Eric Williams, Finally

Jennifer Williams has not only finally said the d-word, but she’s ready to invest in one. The Basketball Wives star recently told Life & Style that it’s actually over for real this time between her and Eric Williams:
“I plan on filing for divorce in the next couple of weeks. It’s a new year and I just want to put this behind me. He doesn’t know exactly when I’m going to do it. He’s just waiting for me to pull the trigger.”
Indeed, recent interviews with Eric would suggest as much. Now the real question is, will we get to watch her finger pulling that trigger?
Meanwhile, Rashidah Ali, who dipped by Basketball Wives during Season 1 to call Jenn “so f***ing phony,” is being sued by a bouncer for clawing his face. The accompanying pic is gruesome. Maybe Rashidah should have stuck around Basketball Wives longer — the one thing that show’s missing is actual gore.
[Life & Style and Daily News]


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