Sunday, December 19, 2010

It?s Official: Twins Confirmed For Mariah Carey And Nick Cannon

We’ve noticed a pattern about the speculation surrounding Mariah Carey’s pregnancy: people (like us) throw around some rumors, the star herself stays quiet, and then a few weeks later, Nick Cannon confirms the rumor. That’s what happened when they announced that Mariah was pregnant, and it’s happening again, as the couple proudly confirm the rumor that they’re having twins.
Cannon revealed the news on his radio show, and explained that it was President Obama of all people that dragged the news out of them. Carey performed at the Christmas in Washington 2010 special on Sunday and during a conversation with the President and First Lady, they asked her “So, what are you having, are you having twins?”� Mariah and Nick said yes, because you don’t lie to the Commander In Chief, and you especially don’t lie to the Commander In Chief’s wife. Looks like Mariah’s going to have to revise her lyrics to “All I Want For Christmas Is You (Both Of You).”
Congrats to the couple—and we swear, we will finally stop speculating about your womb status now that this is cleared up.
[Photo: WENN]


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