Monday, January 31, 2011

Teenagers thank the Parents Television Council

Teenagers thank the Parents Television Council

Teenagers thank the Parents... 1:46
Teenagers would like to thank the conservative watchdog group, The Parents Television Council, for alerting them about nudity and illicit activity in MTV's new show SKINS. They can't wait to watch it!
Submitted by: Fod Team
Kinda Cute
Keywords: skins parents television council mtv teenagers alcohol underage drinking sex teens drugs weed crack cocaine coke parties party partying UK US verison council warning overt sexual girls hot making out lesbians gay
Views: 41,315


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Javier Bardem To Join Daniel Craig In Bond 23?Kim Kardashian, Too?

We don’t usually get worked up about James Bond films. (It’s hard to when they have stupid names like Quantum of Solace — what does that even mean?? We still have no idea.) But admittedly, we’re excited for the 23rd film in the Bond series because it was just confirmed that our favorite Spaniard Javier [...]


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10 Best Dressed Women At The 2011 SAG Awards

It was SAG time last night. The Screen Actors Guild Awards had some bigger winners, both fashion and otherwise. Natalie Portman belonged to both lists, looking fabulous in a white Azzaro column gown, and winning Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a leading role for Black Swan. Colin Firth won Outstanding Performance by a [...]


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Do We ?Like? T-Pain?s New Facebook Tattoo?

Sure, we all spend too much time on Facebook; that doesn’t mean Facebook has to spend too much time on us. Showing off his brand-new Facebook tattoo, T-Pain tweeted “I get a tatt every time I come to Hawaii. I think this ones pretty sweet, unless facebook shuts down soon 0_o.” The rapper put up [...]


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Amazing Top 10 Most Expensive Accidents in History

Throughout history, humans have always been prone to accidents. Some, such as the exotic car crashes seen on this page, can be very expensive. But that’s trivial compared to the truly expensive accidents. An accident is defined as “an undesirable or unfortunate happening that occurs unintentionally and usually results in harm, injury, damage, or loss”. Our aim is to list the top 10 most expensive accidents in the history of the world as measured in dollars.
This includes property damage and expenses incurred related to the accident such as cleanup and industry losses. Many of these accidents involve casualties which obviously cannot be measured in dollar terms. Each life lost is priceless and is not factored into the equation. Deliberate actions such as war or terrorism and natural disasters do not qualify as accidents and therefore are not included in this list.

10. Titanic - $150 Million The sinking of the Titanic is possibly the most famous accident in the world. But it barely makes our list of top 10 most expensive. On April 15, 1912, the Titanic sank on its maiden voyage and was considered to be the most luxurious ocean liner ever built. Over 1,500 people lost their lives when the ship ran into an iceberg and sunk in frigid waters. The ship cost $7 million to build ($150 million in today’s dollars).

Titanic  Amazing Top 10 Most Expensive Accidents in History

9. Tanker Truck vs Bridge - $358 Million On August 26, 2004, a car collided with a tanker truck containing 32,000 liters of fuel on the Wiehltal Bridge in Germany. The tanker crashed through the guardrail and fell 90 feet off the A4 Autobahn resulting in a huge explosion and fire which destroyed the load-bearing ability of the bridge. Temporary repairs cost $40 million and the cost to replace the bridge is estimated at $318 Million.

Tanker-Truck-vs-Bridge  Amazing Top 10 Most Expensive Accidents in History

8. MetroLink Crash - $500 Million On September 12, 2008, in what was one of the worst train crashes in California history, 25 people were killed when a Metrolink commuter train crashed head-on into a Union Pacific freight train in Los Angeles. It is thought that the Metrolink train may have run through a red signal while the conductor was busy text messaging. Wrongful death lawsuits are expected to cause $500 million in losses for Metrolink.

MetroLink-Crash  Amazing Top 10 Most Expensive Accidents in History

7. B-2 Bomber Crash - $1.4 Billion Here we have our first billion dollar accident (and we’re only #7 on the list). This B-2 stealth bomber crashed shortly after taking off from an air base in Guam on February 23, 2008. Investigators blamed distorted data in the flight control computers caused by moisture in the system. This resulted in the aircraft making a sudden nose-up move which made the B-2 stall and crash. This was 1 of only 21 ever built and was the most expensive aviation accident in history. Both pilots were able to eject to safety.

B-2-Bomber-Crash  Amazing Top 10 Most Expensive Accidents in History
B-2-Bomber-Crash2  Amazing Top 10 Most Expensive Accidents in History

6. Exxon Valdez - $2.5 Billion The Exxon Valdez oil spill was not a large one in relation to the world’s biggest oil spills, but it was a costly one due to the remote location of Prince William Sound (accessible only by helicopter and boat). On March 24, 1989, 10.8 million gallons of oil was spilled when the ship’s master, Joseph Hazelwood, left the controls and the ship crashed into a Reef. The cleanup cost Exxon $2.5 billion.

Exxon-Valdez  Amazing Top 10 Most Expensive Accidents in History

5. Piper Alpha Oil Rig - $3.4 Billion The world’s worst off-shore oil disaster. At one time, it was the world’s single largest oil producer, spewing out 317,000 barrels of oil per day. On July 6, 1988, as part of routine maintenance, technicians removed and checked safety valves which were essential in preventing dangerous build-up of liquid gas. There were 100 identical safety valves which were checked. Unfortunately, the technicians made a mistake and forgot to replace one of them. At 10 PM that same night, a technician pressed a start button for the liquid gas pumps and the world’s most expensive oil rig accident was set in motion. Within 2 hours, the 300 foot platform was engulfed in flames. It eventually collapsed, killing 167 workers and resulting in $3.4 Billion in damages.

Piper-Alpha-Oil-Rig  Amazing Top 10 Most Expensive Accidents in History

4. Challenger Explosion - $5.5 Billion The Space Shuttle Challenger was destroyed 73 seconds after takeoff due on January 28, 1986 due to a faulty O-ring. It failed to seal one of the joints, allowing pressurized gas to reach the outside. This in turn caused the external tank to dump its payload of liquid hydrogen causing a massive explosion. The cost of replacing the Space Shuttle was $2 billion in 1986 ($4.5 billion in today’s dollars). The cost of investigation, problem correction, and replacement of lost equipment cost $450 million from 1986-1987 ($1 Billion in today’s dollars).

Challenger-Explosion  Amazing Top 10 Most Expensive Accidents in History

3. Prestige Oil Spill - $12 Billion On November 13, 2002, the Prestige oil tanker was carrying 77,000 tons of heavy fuel oil when one of its twelve tanks burst during a storm off Galicia, Spain. Fearing that the ship would sink, the captain called for help from Spanish rescue workers, expecting them to take the ship into harbour. However, pressure from local authorities forced the captain to steer the ship away from the coast. The captain tried to get help from the French and Portuguese authorities, but they too ordered the ship away from their shores. The storm eventually took its toll on the ship resulting in the tanker splitting in half and releasing 20 million gallons oil into the sea. According to a report by the Pontevedra Economist Board, the total cleanup cost $12 billion.

Prestige-Oil-Spill  Amazing Top 10 Most Expensive Accidents in History

2. Space Shuttle Columbia - $13 Billion The Space Shuttle Columbia was the first space worthy shuttle in NASA’s orbital fleet. It was destroyed during re-entry over Texas on February 1, 2003 after a hole was punctured in one of the wings during launch 16 days earlier. The original cost of the shuttle was $2 Billion in 1978. That comes out to $6.3 Billion in today’s dollars. $500 million was spent on the investigation, making it the costliest aircraft accident investigation in history. The search and recovery of debris cost $300 million. In the end, the total cost of the accident (not including replacement of the shuttle) came out to $13 Billion according to the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

Space-Shuttle-Columbia  Amazing Top 10 Most Expensive Accidents in History

1. Chernobyl - $200 Billion On April 26, 1986, the world witnessed the costliest accident in history. The Chernobyl disaster has been called the biggest socio-economic catastrophe in peacetime history. 50% of the area of Ukraine is in some way contaminated. Over 200,000 people had to be evacuated and resettled while 1.7 million people were directly affected by the disaster. The death toll attributed to Chernobyl, including people who died from cancer years later, is estimated at 125,000. The total costs including cleanup, resettlement, and compensation to victims has been estimated to be roughly $200 Billion. The cost of a new steel shelter for the Chernobyl nuclear plant will cost $2 billion alone. The accident was officially attributed to power plant operators who violated plant procedures and were ignorant of the safety requirements needed.

chernobyl  Amazing Top 10 Most Expensive Accidents in History

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Star Jones Bikini photos?


(� photo - just jerd )

Former co-host of the ABC weekday morning talk show The View Star Jones, 46, was spotted wearing a bikini earlier this month.

Gossip columnists alleged the controversial TV star agreed to have those pictures taken.

“The attention-seeking celebrity is proving she’ll go to any length in order to make headlines…” suggest gossip column on Star Jones’ Bikini pics on

Star Jones’ Bikini photos were first published on Some of the pics revealed staples scar from Star Jones’ 2003 gastric bypass surgery.

The TV star’s latest public controversy was in March 2008 when pictures posted online of Jones with Miami Heat star Dwayne Wade, sparked rumors of an affair.

More oil was thrown on fire when few weeks later Star Jones filed divorce papers in New York Supreme Court in Manhattan, ending her three years marriage to banker Al Reynolds.

How much you want to bet Star Jones will soon announce a brand new TV show? Could she be more predictable than this?

Oh well, we wish winning in an online casino was as easy as making a forecast of Jones’ future endeavours… or maybe it is. Why not giving it a shot at Bookmaker Casino?

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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Heart Attack Grill Turns Bad Press Into Big Business

The Heart Attack Grill in Arizona sounds like an awesome place. You can get an 8,000-calorie burger for $10 and it’s a restaurant that makes no bones about being politically correct.

Yes, a place like this is literally a dying breed, but what might be even more impressive is how a small unhealthy burger shop has grown so well and turned plenty of bad publicity from a nurse’s union into a successful food chain.

The Heart Attack Grill was founded in 2005 by Jon Basso who, although not qualified, calls himself Dr. Jon. He’s even made a few appearances on TV in full ‘Doctor’ get-up waving his fake ‘medical opinion’. But he’s not a real doctor, and his waitresses are not real nurses, although they do dress up like it.

That was the problem for the HAG, because the Arizona Board of Nursing and the Center for Nursing Advocacy launched a lawsuit against the burger joint over their derogatory use of nurses.

After being closed for a brief period, the HAG re-opened fully equipped with disclaimers explaining their staff were not to be confused with real accredited professional nurses. John Stossel and his epic mustache even did a ‘Give Me A Break‘ report on it.

Of course, some people aren’t happy about the tongue-in-cheek approach the HAG takes towards their healthy food. Some people are disgusted that the burgers are called single, double, triple, or even quadruple bypass depending on the number of beef patties. The restaurant also refuses to sell Diet sodas, and instead offers beer, hard liquor, regular soda, unfiltered cigarettes and french fries cooked in pure lard. What’s not to like?

Even Joey Chestnut of Nathan’s Hot Dog eating fame, holds the record for fastest eaten Quadruple Bypass burger on the HAG’s list of ‘Real Men‘.

The Heart Attack Grill is slowly expanding to other locations, but is not ready to call itself a franchise just yet. Check out the website’s News page to see all the international exposure this one restaurant has gotten. French, German and Japanese news channels have all done reports on the place.

Just goes to show that even a little thing like a lawsuit and the least healthy menu possible can’t keep a true businessman from getting some work done. The Heart Attack Grill deserves a salute for its ingenuity and ability to turn bad press into free international publicity.

Anyone ever been to this place? It looks like heaven. Let us know in the comments section.

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Former teen country singer Molly Bee dies at 69 Photo

Molly Bee, the country singer who shot to fame at age 13 with the 1952 novelty hit “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus,” has died of complications following a stroke. She was 69.

Biography of�Molly Bee -

In Progress…


Molly Beachboard was the name she was born with, but country music fans would know her as Molly Bee. She was born in Oklahoma and was part Indian.

Molly Bee Mosrite Guitar AdWhen Molly was growing up, she first wanted to be a “prima ballerina”. She was taught how to sing and yodel by her brother, but at that time (when she was about six years old), singing didn’t impress her as much as dancing.

Then the family moved to Tuscon, Arizona where Molly continued her dancing lessons. She performed at many of the usual venues - childrens shows, recitals, at school and at church - and at the same time, feeling quite at home on the stage.

When she was ten years old, a popular disc jockey in Tuscon heard her singing at a school play. Rex Allen liked her rendition of “Lovesick Blues” so much, that he had her on his show a few days later. It was about that time that singing became more a focus than dancing.

Shortly after this experience on radio in Arizona, the family (she had two brothers), moved to Hollywood, California. She attended Wilson Junior High in Pasadena.

You will read often that other artists will cite another singer as someone who influenced them or sparked that interest early in their lives. One such singer by the name Weslia Whitfield cited the impression Molly made on her in a 1993 article in the Wall Street Journal. Ms. Whitfield recalled for the WSJ that one of her earliest memories was from a visit to her grandparents house in Los Angeles, California to watch their television back around 1949 or so. She vividly recalls watching the Red Owen show and seeing this young singer named Molly Bee perform. She said Molly’s trademark back then was to come on stage without any shoes on. Seeing Molly perform, Ms. Whitfield told herself then, “That’s what I’m going to do.”


A 1956 article featuring Cliffie Stone relates how Molly Bee was introduced to country music audiences. Cliffie had met Tennessee Ernie Ford while working at KXLA in Pasadena, California and persuaded him to join his troupe on the weekends and their travels around southern California. Cliffie was working for Capitol Records at the time as well and secured a recording contract for Mr. Ford. It wasn’t too long before he was introduced to a young twelve year old named Molly Beachboard. She sang “Lovesick Blues” for Cliffie as well and soon she was appearing on his shows and had a recording contract.

Molly Bee got a recording contract with Capitol records when she was just 13 years old and was starring on radio and tv and personal appearances. She was still much the teenager, wearing pigtails, attending junior high. She got her start singing when she was ten years old, in Tucson, Arizona - and she had a 15 minute show there on the NBC network station there.

She got that start when Al Morris, a hillbilly dj on KCNA in Tucson heard her sing and she impressed him so much, he got station executives to listen to her, too. But Tucson wasn’t enough. Hollywood was on her mind, too.

When she got to Hollywood, Cliffie Stone saw her on tv and got her to start appearing regularly on the Hometown Jamboree over KLAC-TV and also the radio version of the show over KXLA radio out of Pasadena. The Hometown Jamboree originated from the El Monte Legion Stadium. One of the long-time sponsors of the show as Gold’s Furniture Store, who had sponsored the show for at least five years at the time of the 1953 article we found. The show later moved to the Harmony Park Ballroom in Anaheim, California.

She was quite popular with the audiences then. She became a regular on the daily Pinky Lee NBC-TV show. She was also doing regular appearances on the Bob Crosby Show with fellow Jamboree vocalist, Joanie O’Brien. She also worked with such stars as Ed Sullivan, Roy Rogers, Jimmy Rodgers, Jackie Gleason, Jack Benny and Bob Hope over the years.

Her recording of “Tennessee Tango” was scored by arranger-conductor Van Alexander - giving it some background music that had clarinets and saxophones. It was Mr. Alexander in 1937 who wrote and conducted a tune called “A-tisket A-tasket” for Ella Fitzgerald and got her career on the move.

Her first release did so well, that it got followed quickly by a Christmas recording called�“I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus”�and�“Willy Claus”.

By 1955, Cliffie Stone had moved the Hometown Jamboree to the Valley Gardens Arena in North Hollywood, California. Members of the show’s cast would make regular appearances in the southern California area. Country and Western Jamboree magazine had a regular column called “On The Trail” where they listed personal appearances being made by various acts. Throughout 1955, the magazine listed Molly as part of the Hometown Jamboree at the Valley Gardens Arena each week.

They described her singing style then as ‘…youthful exuberance, strong jazz sense and reads lyrics with a maturity far beyond her years.” Her first recording was�“Tennessee Tango”�along with�“The Kids Who Pay”.

In 1955, she was signed by Coral Records. But it appears the record company wanted to stretch her audience. A note in one 1955 news report indicated that Coral was going to have her record both country and pop material. At the time, she was a regular not only on Cliffie Stone’s�Hometown Jamboree, but�Tennessee Ernie Ford’s show as well.

Country and Western Jamboree had a regular “Checkin’ The Records” section in their magazine where they listed the new singles released and offered some commentary about the music they heard on those records. But at times, those reviews appeared to be trying too hard for lame humor. But in May of 1955, while trying to provoke a smile to the reader, they offer up the contrast in the two sides of a Coral records release by Molly. One was�“I Won’t Grow Up”�that was backed by a tune called�“False Alarm”, which was about a cheater in love. Keep in mind, she was only 16 at the time. This aspect of a young singer singing a tune that fit her age group but also singing of more mature, adult themes may not be all that uncommon. Let’s think back to when Tanya Tucker came on the scene and was singing such tunes as “Delta Dawn”.

Country and Western Jamboree magazine mentioned another of her Coral releases in April of 1956 and it is interesting to note the themes of the material. For one side,�“Fair Weather Fellow”, the magazine notes that she knows he’s fickle and their love will soon come to an end. On the other side,�“Young and Naive”, the magazine tells us its a song about a young lady who has found a new love, but hopes “…he won’t find out she’s so young.”

A 1967 article tells us that in her first personal appearance, she borke the six-year attendance record at the Mesker Auditorium in Evansville, Indiana. She then went on to break the attendance record at the Ohio State Fair.

Molly appeared in several movies in her career, but as we’ll see later from a 1975 interview, she didn’t feel she did too well as an actress. She felt she was “too shy” and said they weren’t ‘released’, they ‘escaped’. Her first movie was in 1958 with Allan Reed, Jr., Bill Goodwin, Ralph Moody, Ken Miller, Susan Easter and Irene Hervey in a film for Columbia called�“Going Steady”�. She later did�“Summer Love”�for Universal International in 1958 with such folks as John Saxon, Jill St. John, Troy Donohue, Fay Wray, Rod McKuen, Shelley Fabares, George Winslow, and Edward Platt. Other movies included�“The Chartroose Caboose”�in 1960 (starring such folks as Ben Cooper, Edgar Buchanan, Slim Pickens, Michael McGreevey, and Kay Bartels) and�in 1963, “The Young Swingers”�(her co-stars included Rod Lauren, Gene McDaniels, Jack Larson, Karen Gunderson, John Merritt, Jo Helton, Justin Smith, Jerry Summers and Jack Younger). According to the online movie database resource,, she first appeared in a “musical-featurette” for Universal that starred Tennessee Ernie Ford, Cliffie Stone, Herman the Hermit, Billy Strange, Bucky Tibbs and the rest of the Hometown Jamboree gang.


She even did a bit of stage work. Her first effort was in San Francisco at the Garden Court Theater in the Sheraton Palace Hotel in “The Boy Friend.” Around 1967, she did “Finian’s Rainbow” with ALan Young at the Melodyland theatre in Anaheim.

Johnny Tillotson, Homer and Jethro, Molly Bee and Jimmy DeanMolly also did several appearances on the�Jimmy Dean�network television show. Another network show she worked on was�Swinging Countrywhich was hosted by the newest member of the Country Music Hall of Fame, Roy Clark.

Molly gave an interview to Country Song Roundup magazine back in 1975 that provides some interesting insights into her career, observations and her life.

At the time, she had been on a rest from her musical career, living in Las Vegas and raising her two daughters. She, in her mind, she was becoming quite domestic back then. She had gone to a bingo game or some such gathering and some would recognize her and ask her, “Didn’t you used to be Molly Bee?”.

She had kept in contact with Cliffie Stone all through her career. She had come to a point where she decided a divorce was needed as well as a change of scenery by taking her daughters and moving back to California to try and take up her singing career again.

Molly Bee and the Four PrepsShe told CSR magzaine that life in Las Vegas was similar to Tucson and not just weather wise. She noted that everybody knew what everyone else was doing and the focus is all local - the rest of the world they just ignored. She called it “very small ownie”.

But she noted, if you forgot to pick up your cleaning, you could still do it at 2am or you could go and get your hair done at midnight. She said you just don’t spend time on the strip doing “the tourist thing.”

She mentions she was married for a time to a boss at the Tropicana Hotel and observed that its not a very anti-social type of setting, no one seemed to mix much. She was accustomed to being around a lot of people and a lot of activity going on. She notes, that in the Las Vegas gaming business, “You just don’t fraternize.”

The subject of her very young start in the entertainment industry came up. She was asked if she felt she had missed out on anything. She replied that she felt she actually did more - “I lived six lifetimes in one.” She told CSR that if her kids decided they wanted to be in the music business, even at a young age, she hoped they would have as much fun as she did. She had gone around the world by the time she was just 19 years old. She recalls working with “incredible people and always into where the action was.” Granted it wasn’t all glamor - the long trips, sitting in airporst all night and the like, but she says, “I wouldn’t trade it for the world.”

She told CSR that she started becoming conscious that she might be a celebrity when she would notice that people would point or stare at her in public places such as restaurants. She notes her first date was with Stan Freeburg. Then it got to her a bit, causing her to be self-conscious, and began a routine of trying to duck the sit down restaurants and doing the drive-in lane, trying to avoid too much visibility so she could feel comfortable when she was out and about.

One of the reasons for the interview was the restart of her singing career and more of a focus on her recordings. She notes it had been a while between records, but noted she had never really focused on that aspect. Up to that point, the focus had been on personal appearances at state fairs, rodeos, concerts, television spots and movies. Touring to promote a record was new to her after being in the entertainment business for 25 years.

Molly Bee and Tennessee ErnieShe told CSR that her nine years with the Tennessee Ernie Ford show were the most enjoyable years. She told the readers that she was home most of the time, got to see her family everyday. Yet, she was still “…being seen by a million people and don’t even realize it.” She opined, “It’s scary when you go out on the road and there’s thousands of people in little towns that you had no idea of, who had known everything about you.”

She was asked whether the attitude of people on the club scene had changed towards female enertainers since the 1960s. She replied that she had not performed at clubs much - felt it was the hardest personal appearance to do. She had started her career again by doing mostly specials, recordings and television, including an appearance on Hee Haw and the Wembley Music Festival in London. She felt doing those two or three shows a night in the club scene was perhaps one of the toughest roles to play.

When she got back into the entertainment business again in 1975, she wanted to give her recording career a bigger emphasis - she wanted that hit record. But she also wanted to be a part of a television series - a situation that would allow her to be at home and be with her children. She fond that the travels caused her phone bills to sky rocket.

Finally, CSR asked her if she had changed her singing style now that she had matured. She noted that “I understand things now that were just words to me before. I think I’ve finally got around to maturing.” She further noted, “I worked twenty years without really stopping and you cna’t relate to real people unless you’ve lived something normal.” For example, she notes, “they handed me my first baby and I didn’t know how to tune her. I said this won’t get in tune. OK, it was crazy, but having kids, I learned you could get so involved in aoother person. The first time you’re around little babies, you discover they got you. You just die for them. It was the first time I ever felt anything like that and it’s changed my outlook on everything.”

1990s and Later

Molly left an impression with the folks she entertained. While reviewing old articles that mention Molly, we found a memory a disc jockey by the name of Dave Hull told the Orange County Register in an interview upon returning to KRLA. He said he was going to start doing the old “Love Line” segment on his show again which tried to match up single guys and gals. He recalled a caller by the name of Floyd who once called up and well, had no love life to speak of. But Floyd did get the biggest kick out of seeing Molly perform in concerts out in Blythe, California.

Perhaps by this time Molly was no longer traveling across the country doing personal appearances, but would still make appearances in southern California. In April of 1998, she was part of a roster of entertainers playing a benefit for the Ivey Ranch Park for the physically handicapped and mentally retarded, using the Old West as a back-drop to the benefit. The concert was held in Oceanside, California at the park across from the Mission San Luis Rey.

In 1991, the Sterling Silver Inn at 8737 Fenwick Street in Sunland, California was trying to offer live entertainment to its audiences, but did not want to hire its own band. The owners, Ruben Carranza and Ronald Battaglia, decided to bring some traditional country music acts to town. One was Johnny Lee. On August 9, 1997, Cliffie Stone along with the Riders of the Purple Sage and Molly were to appear; admission was $20.

After Cliffie Stone died in 1998, his wife Joan would organize an annual tribute concert to Cliffie that would include many of the former people associated with him and theHometown Jamboree. The benefit concert, sponsored by the Music Performance Trust Fund, was held at the William S. Hart Park in Newhall, California in 1998 and continued to be a venue for the tribute show. Molly appeared on the roster for that tribute in 1998 along with the Riders of the Purple Sage and the Al Vescovo band among others, and would always feature the local talent who were trying to get some exposure as well. Entertainment ran from noon to 5:00pm. In 2001, Molly again appeared on the show and was touted as an original member of the Hometown Jamboree as part of the entertainment lineup that day. The event went from 11:30am to 5:00pm and was free to the public. The Music Performance Trust Fund sponsored the concert.

Later in life, she may have changed her mind about ‘clubs’. We learned from that question and answer column that Molly had her own club in Oceaside, California. Acts that would appear at her club included such folks as Tommy Sands, who appeared there in November of 1992 for two shows a night for two nights; . Molly Bee’s Club was located at 1903 Hill Street in Oceanside. In 1993, there was live dancing Thursday through Sunday and had no cover charge.

Molly was married seven times according to a question and answer column that answered a reader’s question about Molly.

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What Chilli Wants 2 Recap - Episode 4 - Body Talk

A little something to put on layaway. Lay far, far away.

This week?s What Chilli Wants begins with that suspicious picture of Raphael that Tionna?s friend Lorrie sent over:

It could be Raphael, but they don?t see the honesty bracelet that Chilli gave him at the racetrack. Still, those distinctive sideburns have Tionna going…

?How you gonna do that s***, I?m in town to hang out with you?? Chilli says to the picture. Let?s remember, though, that Chilli did go out on a date with Scott while in town. Calling the honesty bracelet black, aren’t we?
But Raphael did tell Chilli that he wasn?t seeing anyone. So they may not be committed, but a little honesty would be nice, since Raphael’s female companion had her legs wrapped around Raphael just like this:

On the plus side, if she turns around it looks like someone’s making out with her.
Chilli interviews that she has to be very careful with how she brings up the picture so that she doesn?t look crazy. If she can find a good way to say ?My friend?s friend just happened to see you on the street and just happened to take this photo yesterday, please explain this to me, although we’ve only been on two dates so far,? then Chilli would be a crazy genius.
Their date:

First Chilli tries to go the bike route and find out what Raphael’s new motorcycle looks like. She and Tionna figure that’ll narrow it down. That method doesn?t work, so she goes the ?let?s talk about our past relationships? way, also not a good way.

It?s an interrogation on the beach. Their body language is pretty telling too. Like when she starts grilling him he puts on sunglasses:

And she half hides her face:

Or the Miami sun is just incredibly bright. But I see a lot of shadiness in their shade. Chilli decides to forget about the photo for now, go swimming, and work on her tan. Why did she change her mind? This:

The next day Chilli and Tionna meet up. She decides that she is going to ask Raphael about the photo. Luckily Tionna supports her decision, otherwise there would be a lot of glassware on the floor:

?Are you only going to wear your bracelet around me?? Chilli asks Raphael when they finally meet up. He says he loves it and hasn’t taken it off at all.

…But Raphael is covering his mouth like he?s got something to hide. She describes the photo and he sort of breaks eye contact as well.

All of a sudden he’s not half as handsome as he was 30 seconds ago. ?That?s true,? he says of the incriminating photo. So at least he isn?t lying. He’s got a good explanation though: the girl with her legs wrapped around him isn?t someone he?s dating…it?s his ex-girlfriend. Oh, whew! Cool! Glad we cleared that up! What?

?The bottom line is, you know when that moment comes, when it?s the end,? Chilli interviews. It?s the end:

And it did not “end good,” as Raphael had promised. Chilli needs to get her mind off Raphael, so she distracts herself by watching Tionna try on wedding dresses. She says it?s ?just the thing? to make her feel better. True! Nothing gets you over your sense of loss in a new relationship like watching someone progress in theirs.
This actually is pretty distracting:

Chilli tries to disguise herself as a bowl of pasta…

… but there?s no hiding from Tionna?s breasts.

They truly deserve their own bridal tiaras. But Tionna?s is still thinking while she?s wiggling: She says that she wants Chilli around wedding stuff to keep her mind on her goal.
They look on Media Takeout to see those paparazzi photos of Chilli and Scott. The commenters debate whether he?s all white or part Latino, which makes the perfect transition to what Tionna really wanted to talk about.

?I can?t help but notice, you don?t like the brothers anymore,? Tionna says. Chilli says that?s ridiculous. (And let?s not forget, the one guy she?s pined over this season — Floyd Mayweather — is definitely a brother.)
Tionna says she exclusively likes black men, so Chilli argues that she?s prejudiced. Tionna argues that the reason black women date outside their race was to get ?good-haired babies,? but Chilli?s got good hair, so there?s no reason to date white men. This is a very reasonable thing to say, obviously, and the wedding store staff giggle and applaud politely as Chilli and Tionna make their points.

Scott and Chilli have their next date back in Atlanta, where Scott?s come to visit her. She wants to test his rhythm, so they go salsa dancing. ?Scott dances to his own groove,? Chilli politely observes. I think this means that he goes in one direction, while his feet want to go in another:

Things are going well.

Maybe too well:

Because Chilli’s next question is a date-killer. She asks if Scott if he’s dating other people and he?s like:

…which means yes, right? Because it?s the same face he gave to the penis question. Scott’s honest and says he likes her but two dates is too soon to get serious. He is still dating other people. Chilli is totally fine with this. So it wasn?t the dating other people thing that bugged her about Raphael, it was the delivery. Fair enough. This body language is much better:


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Saturday, January 29, 2011

TRANSform Me Nominated For GLAAD Award

This is just a brief note to say that we’re proud of our TRANSform Me girls (not that we weren’t to begin with), who sit alongside the likes of Project Runway and Top Chef in the GLAAD Awards’ Outstanding Reality Program category (although: WTF with the Drag Race snub?!?)! The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation’s awards ceremony is set to take place in New York on March 19 (there will also be a ceremony May 14 in San Francisco and one in Los Angeles on an as-yet-announced date). From VH1’s official the press release:
The GLAAD Media Awards recognize and honor media for their fair, accurate and inclusive representations of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community and the issues that affect their lives.
Congratulations to everyone who have worked so hard on this series!
To learn more about the GLAAD Awards and the nominees, please click on the link to read GLAAD?s press release.


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Watch An Adorable Video Of Ashton Kutcher Singing With Stepdaughter Scout

We tend to be hard on Ashton Kutcher sometimes because we aren’t really huge fans of his acting, and Punk’d started to really wear us down after a while, but lately the guy’s been growing on us. The fact is, Kutcher seems like a pretty good guy and as weird as his relationship with Demi [...]


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Paris Hilton countersues hair extension company

Paris Hilton is countersuing the hair extension company which filed a lawsuit against her in August.

The hotel heiress was reportedly paid $3.5 million by Hairtech International in 2007 to be the face of their Dream Catchers range of clip-in locks but is being sued for $35 million after a ... Read More Paris Hilton Gossip


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She Got Titties (In All the Right Places)

She Got Titties (In All the Right Places)

She Got Titties (In All th... 2:28
The world premiere of the newest music video from Don't Stop or We'll Die; She Got Titties (In All The Right Places) from their amazing new EP entitled "One of the Gang" available now.
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SAG Awards Seating Chart: Where 'Glee' Sits Next To 'True Grit'

For Sunday's awards show, producer explains science behind celebrity seating.
By Kelly Marino

SAG Awards producer Kathy Connell
Photo: MTV News

LOS ANGELES — The Screen Actors Guild Awards are coming up on Sunday, and preparations are already well under way at the Shrine Auditorium. The stage is coming together, the list of presenters is close to being finalized and, most importantly, the seating arrangements are being mapped out.

"It depends on the size of the cast," SAG Awards producer Kathy Connell explained when MTV News asked how the seating chart is determined. "It also depends on if they were here the year before. If the TV cast was down front, we are probably going to put them further back this year. We also try to be democratic between film and TV."

The ceremony will take place in an intimate dinner setting where both film and TV actors will be seated next to their peers. Throughout the show, the celebrities can nosh on food provided by Lucques Catering and sip on Dry Creek wine and Taittinger Champagne while they celebrate one another's work.

The Guild seats the film casts next to the TV casts in order to allow everyone to visit and mingle in between acts. For example, the first few tables located in the front of the venue have place cards for the cast of "True Grit" seated next to the cast of "Glee." Moving more toward the center of the room reveals the actors of "The Kids Are All Right" seated next to the guys from "30 Rock." And a quick look around the rest of the room shows the ensemble from "The Closer" seated next to "Modern Family," who are across from the cast of "The Fighter" and "Hot in Cleveland."

"Actors are actors. They don't care that they are on TV. In fact, you know, film actors are very, very fond of watching actors on TV and vice versa," Connell said.

The 17th annual SAG Awards will air live on TNT and TBS this Sunday at 8p.m. ET from the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles.

For breaking news, celebrity columns, humor and more — updated around the clock — visit

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Nicki Minaj Says Appearing On 'Saturday Night Live' Is 'Monumental'

Singer is musical guest on this weekend's show, hosted by 'Social Network' star Jesse Eisenberg.
By James Montgomery

Nicki Minaj
Photo: NBC / Broadway Video

Fresh off the debut of her "Moment 4 Life" video, Nicki Minaj is gearing up for another rather momentous event: her appearance as this weekend's musical guest on "Saturday Night Live."

And though it's most definitely happening, Nicki still can't believe it. And she won't, not until she's seen evidence to the contrary. This could prove problematic since, y'know, the show is live and all.

"Being a part of 'Saturday Night Live' feels absolutely incredible. I still don't even believe it's true, I'm not even going to believe it's really happening until — well, I'm going to DVR it, because I can't watch it, because I'll be on it," she told MTV News, laughing. "But until I see it back on DVR, I'm not even going to believe I was really on the show. This is epic, this is monumental, this is historic stuff."

For a girl who grew up in New York (just like this weekend's host, newly minted Oscar nominee Jesse Eisenberg), performing on "SNL" — a show that's nearly as iconic as the city itself — is a dream come true for Minaj.

"I mean, to be raised in New York, and to always hear about 'SNL,' " she said. "I never had the honor of getting a pinkie toe in the building, now [I'm] here and it feels incredible."

She spent the days leading up to the show filming teaser commercials with Eisenberg and "SNL" castmember Kenan Thompson, and Minaj is taking the same approach when it comes to talking about her performances: She's not revealing much.

But you can probably guess at least one of the songs she'll be doing. "Well, all I can say is that it's going to be a 'Moment 4 Life,' " Minaj smiled.

Do you hope Nicki will be in a skit on "SNL"? Let us know in the comments!

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'Beverly Hills Housewives" 'grueling' reunion (AP)

** CORRECTS SPELLING OF LAST NAME ** Adrienne Maloof of reality TV show Real Housewives of Beverly Hills poses for a portrait in the Fender Music Lodge during the 2011 Sundance Film Festival on Saturday, Jan. 22, 2011 in Park City, Utah.   (AP Photo/Victoria Will)AP - For fans who tuned in to see drama and catfights during Part 1 of "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" reunion special on Bravo Thursday night, one of its cast members says the final product was edited down from a long, grueling day of, well — even more drama and catfights.


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James Whitmore Dies at 87 Photo and Video

Grauman's Chinese Theatre

Actor James Whitmore, famed for his one-man stage shows and an Oscar-nominated turn as US President Harry Truman, died on Friday at age 87.

Whitmore died at his home in the seaside enclave of Malibu, just northwest of Los Angeles, of lung cancer, with which he was diagnosed in November, according to his son, Steve.

A New York native, Whitmore served in the Marine Corps during World War II and began appearing in stage productions in New Hampshire in the late 1940s.

The bushy-eyebrowed actor made his Broadway debut in Command Decision in 1947, and earned a Tony Award for best performance by a newcomer.

Whitmore picked up an Oscar nomination for a supporting role in his first major movie, the 1949 combat drama Battleground, and an Academy Award nomination as best lead actor for his 1975 portrait of Truman in Give ‘em Hell Harry!

He originated the Truman role in the stage version of that production, one of three solo vehicles during the 1970s that earned him the moniker King of the One Man Show. The two others were the title role in Will Rogers’ USA and as Theodore Roosevelt in Bully.

Whitmore also had a prolific career as a character actor on television, appearing in such series as The Twilight Zone, Rawhide, Dr Kildare and The Detectives.

But he was better known to a younger generation of TV viewers as the longtime commercial spokesperson for the plant food brand Miracle-Gro. He also earned an Emmy Award as a guest actor in a drama series for an episode of The Practice.

Among his more notable movie credits were the original Planet of the Apes, as head of the simian assembly, and The Shawshank Redemption, playing an inmate who commits suicide.

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Friday, January 28, 2011

The X Life Recap - Episode 4 - Little Men

Pretty ballsy for a kid who just learned he had balls!

We begin this week?s The X Life with Cory and Nicole debating their upcoming trip to Australia. Cory tells her he?s got an event out there, but really, he?s invited her so he can ask Nicole to marry him. Unfortunately the trip overlaps with Thanksgiving. But Australia?s like 24 hours ahead, so technically they could track back in time and make Thanksgiving at home, no?
Since he can?t tell her why it?s important, she can?t see why it?s important. Nicole’s lack of psychic ability is frustrating for Cory:

?I?m a full-time mom,? she argues. She should quit, this job has horrible benefits! ?You already got my ticket… so there?s no changing my mind, huh?? Nicole says a bit later. Regret and loss of control are the best feelings to start an engagement with, for sure.
The girls all meet up for brunch at Nicole?s. She interviews that she?s excited because they haven?t seen her place before. Susie, in particular, loves Nicole’s new, rustic digs:

They discuss their partners over bagels and fruit. Or rather, over big plates of nothing. After all, you don’t win friends with carbs:

Nicole tells the girls that she?s going to Australia, and Susie is, again, surprised. Denise is surprised that this is a big deal. ?You can bring them back a bunch of crap from Australia,? she says. Of course Denise doesn?t have kids yet, so Nicole discounts her advice immediately. So immediately, that Denise realizes it while she?s giving it.

Susie confesses that she and Jeremy feel more like ?business partners? rather than a married couple. This thought — like many thoughts — brings tears:

She resolves to make some changes when she gets home. She also assures the girls that she just needs to get home and get some sleep and she?ll be herself again. Don’t get her wrong: she?ll still cry and worry a lot, but she?ll be well-rested the whole time.
Back home Susie tells Jeremy that he needs to come up with some ?fun? date plans, and he?s like…

I think he?s thinking, ?Girls are no fun,? or, “Girls don’t like anything rad like bikes or video games or girls.” On the couch she says she?s ?over being his business partner.? Is the romance dead? Jeremy’s loud couchfart means yes. But they both promise to keep Saturday clear.
Cory decides to spend some quality time with his kids before he has to leave. And what?s more quality than digging holes?

Of course these are holes for their next BMX track. He asks his kid what he wants to do when he grows up and he says ?BMX.? The one dad in the world who you?d think would be psyched tells Trey to go to school and use his brain, not his body. I suspect he?ll have this same conversation with his daughter one day.

Trey tries out the track but sits on his testicles a little too much. Cory not only gives his son some good advice on why he shouldn?t crush his testicles, but also experiences some sympathy pains:

Sadly, Trey doesn’t know what testicles are, so they have a father and son talk…about how fathers make sons.
Saturday begins with Susie getting Savy ready for grandma?s, and getting herself ready for her date with Jeremy. Jeremy, however, is on his way to shoot photos for an ad. This doesn?t sit well with Susie.

Jeremy says she?s overreacting, but he?s under-realizing how mad she is. Which is weird, because it?s pretty obvious.

?This won?t break us,? he says. The thing about wiping someone’s ass for a few weeks: they think they can get you to take their crap forever.
Susie calls her mom and says that she?s ?over it,? but — like crying and being Jeremy?s business manager — she clearly is not over it.
By the time Jeremy returns he’s realized how bad breaking their date was. He apologizes to Susie and tries to get her to reschedule, but she’s already made plans. ?It?s not like I just get it, I know,? Jeremy explains. He, at least, is not clueless about being clueless.

Nicole is going out for the night and leaving Cory to spend quality time with his kids. ?Quality? referring to their bonding time, not to the general quality of the evening:

But Cory does teach Trey some very important life skills.

I also like that his sister Londyn applauds his young flirtations:

Sisters are rarely so thrilled watching their brothers hit on girls. Trey should cherish this.
Meanwhile Jeremy decides to make it up to Susie with a home-cooked three-course meal — way smarter than taking her to the Tilted Kilt.

It looks more like a home-cooked two-course meal with a third course from the bakery aisle. Still, a lot of work for someone who’s never cooked before:

Susie should take pleasure in knowing that Jeremy probably cried the whole time he was cutting up those onions. But she’s mostly impressed with the time and effort Jeremy?s put in. So here?s something we haven?t seen too much on The X Life. Susie smiling:

They’re back to being newlyweds, except for the butt wiping:


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Do We ?Like? T-Pain?s New Facebook Tattoo?

Sure, we all spend too much time on Facebook; that doesn’t mean Facebook has to spend too much time on us. Showing off his brand-new Facebook tattoo, T-Pain tweeted “I get a tatt every time I come to Hawaii. I think this ones pretty sweet, unless facebook shuts down soon 0_o.” The rapper put up [...]


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Ricky Gervais and Steve Carell Meet on 'The Office'

Ricky Gervais and Steve Carell Meet on 'The Office'

Ricky Gervais and Steve Ca...
David Brent and Michael Scott. Together at last
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