Thursday, January 20, 2011

No One Gets Kanye?s Jokes, Will Hopefully Get His Gay Jazz Movie

Our collective efforts to let Kanye West be great continue to fail, you guys. If Twitter is any indication, Kanye West is on the defensive after his Britney Spears joke. Cracked West on Friday, “Yo Britney, I’m really happy for you and I’mma let you be #1, but me and Jay-Z single is one of the best songs of all time!” After Britney’s manager Adam Leber called the rapper out as condescending, Kanye scrambled to explain. “When I said the comment about Brittney I was giving her props for being #1 not dissing her at all!,” West claimed. “As pop stars we’re all in this shit together! We on the inside of the TV!” If Kanye actually thinks he’s inside of a TV, that explains the last two or three years of his career.
Maybe it’s time for West to branch out into a new media, perhaps one that isn’t tweet-based? According to Media Takeout, Kanye has signed on to play a gay jazz player in a period film set in 1939. “Kanye has signed on to do some acting, in a flick about a GAY jazz band in 1939. He plays a GAY band member, and there is EXPLICIT gay sex in this movie,” says their anonymous source. “The script won 9 awards, so i think it?s good. The Oscars Academy has this thing called the nicholl, a competition for screenplays, and the script for the movie won there twice, so I guess that means it will be one of those oscar films. It isn?t the typical hood movie rappers do.” Hmm, there sure are a lot of random capitalization in that leak?maybe enough to make it legit? We would definitely see this film, though someone might have to cut Kanye’s lines down to 140 characters at a time.
[Photo: WENN]


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