Monday, January 3, 2011

Royce Reed?s Recaps - Basketball Wives Season 2 Episode 2

We are so excited to announce that Royce Reed will be blogging here at throughout the upcoming season of Basketball Wives. From her insider’s perspective, Royce plans to recap her life both onscreen and off. Below, Royce takes on the second episode of Basketball Wives, Season 2…
Perfect Time For A Powwow
Welcome back Gloria… Is it me or was that conversation kinda awkward? As said before, Suzie talks a lot. Not maliciously, in my opinion, BUT half the time the stuff that comes out of her mouth in defense of herself is exactly what shouldn’t be said. Now she’s added Gloria to the mass amount of people who know about Vegas. When you say things like, “I told him about ‘general things,’” and she knows Evelyn is pissed off at your existence, any smart person knows what those “general things” are. It was NONE of Gloria’s business. If Suzie needed someone to talk to fine, but Gloria is not your BFF. Your relationship is through texting and BBM: her words, not mine. OK NEXT.

DAMN! Am I the only one that’s confused about Jennifer and Eric? I swear every episode we are trying to figure out Jenn’s relationship. I’m still trying to figure out what makes her think he wants to be with her if he won’t answer/return her phone calls, let alone be in the same house/condo. I’m not married so I’m not the one to give advice but in Kim’s words: “Somethin’ gotta still be poppin mama!” and, “I don’t see anywhere where the marriage is working, NO WHERE!”. That’s coming from a wife married for 16 years! Oh yeah, in case you missed it, WE NOW HAVE WIVES ON THE SHOW!!! Maybe now people will leave the dead issue, “They’re not even wives,” alone. So what? Neither are most of the women on other shows you choose to watch every week!
In regard to the whole Suzie and Evelyn situation, in my opinion, some boundaries were crossed. It went from being high school to being reckless. Sending threatening messages through text is dumb and illegal. That’s not gangsta. In any case, my point in inviting Suzie to events where Evelyn is going to be is for Suzie to live her life and have her fun. I have no problem with either of them, so I’m not gonna pick and choose which one I invite somewhere. If they choose to come, great. If not, F it!. Running from situations is cowardly. I understand avoiding confrontation but you can’t keep up the boxer mentality of “duck and cover”� because of one chick!� Send me a bodily threat through text, Twitter, email, etc and I’m taking your ass to court. Ethugs kill me. You talk recklessly all over cyberspace but wont do ish person. I don’t have time for that.
Moving on, no matter what anyone says, Kenny and Tami need this. We are watching what many people go through everyday. Their situation is just on national TV. Venting is a purge. It was a group therapy session. If everything was perfect they wouldn’t be in therapy. It’s a time to put all your feelings on the table. If y’all knew half of what went down in other people’s therapy sessions, y’all would think this was The Partridge Family. I think Tami is one of the realest females I’ve ever met and I believe she and Kenny have both grown and realized their mistakes. Rather than judging how they dealt with their situation, be happy they did. From the meeting with his new wife to the dinner with the two of them, Tami got the apology she never thought would come and I believe a new door has been opened. I pray for the best with them because they have two beautiful daughters who need parents that get along.
On another note, the jewelry party: I don’t believe Ashley put the girl’s number on Craigslist, BUT even if she did, who cares. It was over four years ago. I have to admit it was kinda funny though, when I heard it. It’s wrong but it’s still funny. You do silly things when you’re young so whatever.
Real quick, I gotta talk about this: Suzie, girl, you kinda irked me in the improv class. To be a broadcast journalism major and not be willing to open yourself up to your craft is really close-minded. I majored in theater education and humanities. I have my degree. I take my career very seriously and I have respect for all forms of visual and performing arts. For you to poke fun and make jokes about a person’s craft is disrespectful and it wasn’t a good look for you.
On the lighter side, you all have met Dwayne and Marlon, the boos. Shaunie looks happy and I laughed my butt off at Marlon on that horse. Regardless of his age, Shaunie just wants to be happy and “age ain’t nothing but a number.” Hate all you want, but that’s her man. Dwayne and I are, in my mind, perfect for each other. He balances me out and he makes me happy. Without makeup and with a T-shirt on, he still makes me feel beautiful, appreciated and treasured. Stay tuned: I’m sure you’ll see a lot more of Dwayne and Marlon!
OK, last but not least: YES we were hella high school with the Gloria situation at Shady Park. I don’t feel the least bit wrong for letting the girls know about the lunch. Please remember Suzie set me up last season with the Gloria confrontation. What makes this different is this didn’t concern Suzie. This was all about Gloria and her mouth. So, before y’all start talkin’ about how immature we were check out this interview with Gloria (one of MANY) and realize why we decided to stage an intervention:

Refusing to film with us or confront the situation is a punk out. If Gloria has the mouth to tell someone to take a long walk off a short cliff, say the show made her look bad, that we are all horrible people and don’t deserve to live, she should have the balls to say it to our face. Enough said. Like it or not it was a “perfect time for a powwow!”


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