Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Steven Tyler?s Drug Addiction Involved Lunesta-Snorting

There’s a reason that Aerosmith’s Steven Tyler and Joe Perry were once called the Toxic Twins. The pair was known for legendary drug use, and Tyler admitted to David Letterman last night that he was using drugs as recently as 2009, and not just any drugs. Tyler says he was crushing and snorting the prescription sleep aid Lunesta which he used for a “foot problem.” Because he wanted his feet to fall asleep, we guess?
Tyler jokes about how ridiculous it all sounds to Letterman and how his Lunesta-snorting led to him falling off a stage at a show in 2009. Tyler says “It’s not any news here about my drug use in the past. . .So a couple years ago, I was doing Lunesta because of some problems with my feet. I was snorting that, I fell off the stage.” DOING Lunesta! Hilarious. He continued “That shows you what kind of a drug addict I was. . .only the finest for me. . .I was looking for any excuse to get high.” An incredulous Letterman laughs throughout, asking the questions on all our minds “Is Lunesta good for your feet?” and “When you snort it does it have some kind of different reaction with the body chemistry than when you swallow it?” (Answers: No and Yes.) We assume that now that Tyler is going to be on American Idol twice a week now, he’s got a reason to stay sober — if he falls off the Idol stage he has a much bigger audience watching.
[Photo: WENN]

Source: http://www.thefablife.com/2011-01-18/steven-tylers-drug-addiction-involved-lunesta-snorting/

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